Oh it's the best
- I have been doing research!
- Hmm?
- So according to hipster theory,
the more obscure a band is the better
it's music will be, correct?
- Right...
- It follows, then that a band which
absolutely no one has heard of would
make the best music ever!
If no one has heard of a band, it effectively
does not exist. Ergo, the best band in the
world is nonexistant! It is like the speed of
light - no matter how much energy you expand
or how many LP's you buy, you can never reach
the best band!
- Holy shit, you've discovered the Theory of Hipster
Relativity! Note to self: having a discussion about
theoretical indie-rock physics with an attractive
girls is possibly the hottest thing ever.
- That is because music plus science equals sexy.
Källa (http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=126)